Fertilizer Ratios Explained

Lawn Fertilizer Ratios Explained


Surely, weall know the importance of fertilizing our lawns. However, do we really know what those numberson the bag mean. I, John Gulius, a turfcare specialist in Greenville, South Carolina have had people as me this
question many times. I know it isoverwhelming to go to the store and find the right fertilizer, so I have a very
simple explanation to help you understand what those numbers mean.


Every bag will have a series ofthree numbers. For example, 20-5-10. Each number is a ratio of threeelements. And they are always in thesame order; N-P-K. That means every bagis labeling the ratio of Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium. The simple part? Remember this saying; “Up, Down, AllAround.” The up means Nitrogen promotesgreen grass blade growth, down means Phosphorus promotes strong roots, and all
round means Potassium promotes all around grass growth. The numbers are percentages. In the listed example the bag will contain 20percent Nitrogen, 5 percent Phosphorus, and 10 percent Potassium.


When applying a spring and fallfertilizer seek out something with a higher Nitrogen content for a strong green
lawn. If you are overseeding in the fallhowever, seek out something with a higher Phosphorus content for stronger root


Now that you now what the numbersmean you can let your lawn be your guide. If you need a little push of green go for the higher Nitrogencontent. Need a little root booster? Go higher on the Phosphours. And for an overall feeding make sure thePotassium is higher.
Thosenumbers may be confusing… but just remember, “Up, Down, All Around.”

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